Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Avengers' Age of Analog: The Power Records Story

There's an article about Power Records titled "The Avengers' Age of Analog: The Power Records Story" over on Cuepoint, which features a few quotes from yours truly. Journalist Robbie Ettelson spoke to me a few weeks ago and I gave him some of the high (and low) points of the PR story, a little bit of which you can read in the piece.

I'm heartened to know that so many working musicians remember them as fondly as I do, and use them in their work, thereby keeping the Power Records spirit alive!


  1. Great article! Just curious tho -- did Mel Blanc do the voices on the Bugs Bunny Record? I just don't think it would be the same to hear someone else do it. -- Mike B.

  2. Ha -- never mind, I shoudl have read more before just looking at pictures. Apparently Mel did do the voices :)

