Friday, December 26, 2014

Power Pals: Van Zee

Oh man do I love this picture! This is newest Power Pal Van Zee, proudly displaying his Batman - Stacked Cards Book and Record set, while also riding his Batman tri-cycle. How boss is that?

Despite all the pictures of me growing up with comics in my hand or in the background (or both), there's not a single shot of me with any of my beloved Power Records, so I absolutely love photos like this. If you have one, please send it in--we are the Power Records Generation!

Thanks Van!

1 comment:

  1. That's not just a tricycle he's on...that's an Empire "Batman Machine"...a very cool knock-off of the famous Marx Green Machine! I had no idea they made a Batman one. Here's a link to Plaid Stallions, and a pic of the Superman version:

    Great pic...and great ride, Van Zee!
