Friday, May 16, 2008

Wonder Woman LP



Overall, three decent Wonder Woman adventures--I think playing up the Amazon Princesses' mythological background is a good idea (here and in the comics, and even in any future WW movie), since it helps distinguish her from Superman and Batman, who have a much richer Rogues Gallery to tackle.

According to Neal Adams' own checklist, he did not draw either of the covers here. The front cover looks like pure Dick Giordano to me, but the back cover looks like Adams pencils, at least--but I'm sure Neal is a better authority on what he's drawn than I am.

No producer or writer credits.


  1. Wow, see what happens when you don't check in everyday? I sometimes skip a few days between checking this blog, I'll admit. Little did I know we almost lost it! Glad you reconsidered Rob!

    In that particular period, the lines between Adams/Giordano and just Giordano are REALLY blurry. Giordano was picking up a lot of Adams influence in his solo efforts, so its hard to tell. I'd say the face on the cover looks more like Adams WW, but like you say, if he says he didn't do it...


  2. "rob's blogs move pretty fast. if you don't stop and look around, you could miss something."

  3. The back cover looks like the layout of one of Neal Adams' DC calendars. So if Giordano lightboxed it or copied it, that probably accounts for the Adams flavor you're detecting there.

  4. Hi!! I write from Argentina. I have te WW LP with "The secret of the magic tiara" and others. Congrats for your blog!! I´ve already linked it in my own. Best wishes!!

  5. Wonder Woman comic books has been entertaining as any other. I like specially one ( Wonder Woman #16) principally for the sequence of the story.
