Friday, September 26, 2014

Scooby-Doo and the Mystery of the Rider Without A Head


Scooby-Doo and the Mystery of the Rider Without A Head

Another Scooby-Doo book-and-record adventure, with quite the ungainly title. When I first saw it I thought it was a Headless Horseman/Ichabod Crane thing, which would have been cool. Instead, it takes place at a rodeo, which is not a location you associate with "spooky." Although I do love the Women's Lib angle they worked in--pretty darn modern, though I always got the sense the Power Records people were overall a fairly progressive bunch.

I couldn't find decent scans of the interior book, but you can listen and see the pages as they go by on YouTube.


  1. I've got this one! Not sure where I got it, it may have come from Kings Island as well. My daughter and I recently listened to this one, and she carted the book off to her room, to sit amongst the 100s of Scooby books and comics she has.


  2. Forgot to mention, I thought this was the classic Headless Horseman too. I was disappointed to find it wasn't. I assumed it was an adaptation of the Halloween episode that featured descendants of Ichabod Crane, and the REAL (well as real as Scooby villains get) Headless Horseman. It wasn't. So no Scooby-Dum in this one!


  3. I didn't own this then and I don't own it now, but after giving it a listen on the Tube of You, I'm impressed that PR got Frank Welker, et al, to record the story, rather than using actors doing approximations like they did for the other licensed live action properties.

  4. Cant believe you posted this as well!! Its like we had the same closet as kids!!
