Monday, December 3, 2007

Shazam! - The Mighty Dr. Illusion

Holy Moley! I had never even heard of this until I saw it on eBay a few years ago. When I did, I couldn't believe my eyes!

This 45" is such an anomaly; it's the only Shazam! one they ever did, and(as far as I know) they never did a Book and Record version of it, nor did it ever get included in any collection of other DC hero stories. Plus, I've never even seen it listed as part of the collection on any of the other Power Records.

The cover looks like Dick Giordano channeling C.C.Beck!


  1. Shock of shocks, I had no idea this bad boy existed. Now I'll have to start hunting one down for myself, dang you!

  2. That is also Neal Adams studios artwork. ( Continuity ) You can tell by looking at the chest muscles. He did a great job loosening up his style to draw that Captain Marvel picture.
    ------Mikey boy

  3. Finally I can hear this Shazam record after 28 years! For the first time on mp3 at that. I have this record, but no means to play it. Capt. Marvel was the best hero! Time for SHAZAM!

  4. I, too, was a grown man before I ever heard this or even knew it existed. There's something to be said for being an adult with disposable income.

  5. I have just come across this same record. The LP is in mint condition, though I would give the sleeve about a "B" grade. If interested, I would love to receive an offer...cheryl1964 @ comcast dot net.

  6. I really don't understand why Shazam doesn't have his own movie yet, I mean, he has all the necessary characteristics to be successful in the big screen, Don't you think?

  7. Captain Marvel never gets any love. This is the only Power Record he gets. With all of the DC animated movies recently, he only gets a co-star in a 20 minute short. He only gets one guest shot on Justice League Unlimited and Brave and the Bold. I'm afraid the eventual movie will be done cheesy or for comedy.

  8. Hey Guys!! I just found this record at a flea market and I have it listed on ebay. I thought you might like it brought to your attention. Good luck bidding! I hope I didn't break any rules advertising the record this way.
